Barry Flaming : Photography

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Boi Luang festival at Wat Yang Luang
Mae Chaem, late April 2006
(dedicating of new temple hall)

Lovely ladies in their 'tin jok' sarangs

musical procession

little novices

the new temple hall

procession around the temple hall

shaved ice dessert

entrance gate to the 100+ year old teak temple

flower and incense offerings

carrying the offering

Karen boys from the hills...
Mae Chaem trekking: Huay Ba Bah to Pokkalong village
late April 2006

monthly staff "meeting" in the villlage, planning our trekking route...
(some of us were actually awake for it)

newly prepared fields ready for planting upland rice

Pati ("uncle") took time out from planting to show us a nearby cave

Pati's pumpkin patch

The trail through the 'slash and burn' field

Karen women in the distance clearing the field

Crossing the Mae Chaem river

We had to ford the muddy, leach-infested river 3 times.

Pokkalong villagers making a spinning top out of a tree seed pod

Decha our field officer

playing while preparing our lunch

tired and HUNGRY !! (and a little grumpy)

Much of this forest is still home to gibbons.

Huay Ya's water-powered rice mill.
Installing a rice husk grinder.

Leaf or insect?

Sun setting over Mae Chaem valley

take that you wankers!
(I'm sure he has NO idea what it says)

a Karen wedding