Kathmandu, NEPAL
September 25-28, 2006
..and overland to TIBET....
After meeting Cory from Seattle in Bangkok, we were off to Kathmandu to meet up with Pete and friends...


Neighborhood near our friend Dorjee's house

Dorjee following us back to his house.
Check out the cattle/car/people guards on the sides....
He operates a trekking/tour company, at:
(which Cory is also working on)...

Within 'minutes' of arrival, Cory was hard at work on his websites (at Pete's house)....

Nervously getting on our taxis (Dorjee and brother)....

...heading across town...

...to meet Dorjee's precious little new one (who did nothing but sleep)...

Dinner with Cory, Peter, and N. Dorjee Sherpa family

Evening behind Dorjee's house

In Pete's kitchen with Keshar and his lovely daughter

street scene

the most familiar scene of the entire trip....

On the way to Thamel (the tourist district) to meet Pushpa for lunch

Nothing like patching those potholes in the middle of the day in the busiest intersection in the city....

Cory, Pushpa, and I: three simultaneous self-portraits, on our way through Durbar Square, one of the historic parts of town in old Kathmandu....

Crowded market scenes

and this was considered a 'light' day due to the national holiday coming up....

That's gotta HURT!

Time to catch up on the grandkids...

or flirt....

Get your nuts here!

Cory in the market

Hindu holy man

scenes at one of the old royal capitals....

Not sure what's inside, but I'm sure it's heavy


Kite flyer

hip young couple

on "Freak Street"

View from the rooftop restaurant over the square

all the Gurkha knives one could want

Cory and Pushpa

Walking back through the market at dusk

Cory saying goodbye to Keshar on our departure for the border.....

up into the mountains....

first view of the snowy peaks...

Buses were packed with people heading home to their villages for the holidays....

the himalayas

Roadside waterfall

taking a break....

Whoops, a flat tire.....

At the border: "Change money, change money!"

Looking across the border to the Chinese/Tibetan town of Zangmu (Dram), elevation 2,300 meters above sea level
September 25-28, 2006
..and overland to TIBET....
After meeting Cory from Seattle in Bangkok, we were off to Kathmandu to meet up with Pete and friends...


Neighborhood near our friend Dorjee's house

Dorjee following us back to his house.
Check out the cattle/car/people guards on the sides....
He operates a trekking/tour company, at:
(which Cory is also working on)...

Within 'minutes' of arrival, Cory was hard at work on his websites (at Pete's house)....

Nervously getting on our taxis (Dorjee and brother)....

...heading across town...

...to meet Dorjee's precious little new one (who did nothing but sleep)...

Dinner with Cory, Peter, and N. Dorjee Sherpa family

Evening behind Dorjee's house

In Pete's kitchen with Keshar and his lovely daughter

street scene

the most familiar scene of the entire trip....

On the way to Thamel (the tourist district) to meet Pushpa for lunch

Nothing like patching those potholes in the middle of the day in the busiest intersection in the city....

Cory, Pushpa, and I: three simultaneous self-portraits, on our way through Durbar Square, one of the historic parts of town in old Kathmandu....

Crowded market scenes

and this was considered a 'light' day due to the national holiday coming up....

That's gotta HURT!

Time to catch up on the grandkids...

or flirt....

Get your nuts here!

Cory in the market

Hindu holy man

scenes at one of the old royal capitals....

Not sure what's inside, but I'm sure it's heavy


Kite flyer

hip young couple

on "Freak Street"

View from the rooftop restaurant over the square

all the Gurkha knives one could want

Cory and Pushpa

Walking back through the market at dusk

Cory saying goodbye to Keshar on our departure for the border.....

up into the mountains....

first view of the snowy peaks...

Buses were packed with people heading home to their villages for the holidays....

the himalayas

Roadside waterfall

taking a break....

Whoops, a flat tire.....

At the border: "Change money, change money!"

Looking across the border to the Chinese/Tibetan town of Zangmu (Dram), elevation 2,300 meters above sea level