Day 8: October 5, 2006
Camping trip to Phenpo

Sunrise in Lhasa

The Potala in the morning...

Looks like rain/snow on the mountains around Lhasa

Driving NE of Lhasa, the Kyi-Chu river and mountains, and a cluster of greenhouses in the foreground.

Mountains around the Phenpoo valley, about 3,800 m, 65 km NE of Lhasa...

Our camping site! Wait, it looks like a cow pen...

After a little manure clearance, we're ready to set up the tents.
No fair, Cory recruited some local help...

Those clouds don't look so good...

Sitting out the hail storm...

Cory pulled put some of his magic tricks to woo the kids....

The village behind our campground.

Afternoon stroll...

Cool lichen

Langtang village with chedis visible...

The beautiful countryside approaching Nalendra Monastery..

View of the Nalendra's main courtyard (founded 1435).

Inside the main assembly hall, robes await their masters.

We caught the monks during afternoon debate session.

A very active physical and mental activity. The one standing is the challenger and the one sitting the defender, who must quickly answer a barage of questions with the slap of the hands, such as "what is the nature of a color?" "what is the nature of reality?" etc....

Peering into the courtyard.

Much of the monastery was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

A small village compound on the outskirts of the monastery.

Fall colors.

Grazing sheep.

The famous chedis at Langtang Monastery, founded in 1093.

Villagers returning home from the fields in the evening....

Kids 'chaps' with convenient poop-shoot

Langtang village

Curious kids...

Long shadows on the walk back to camp...

Peter chasing the eagle..

Looking out over the ruins of an old fort or house


Getting dinner ready--stir-fried veggies, first course of many!

Cook tent at night

Sunrise the next morning....
Camping trip to Phenpo

Sunrise in Lhasa

The Potala in the morning...

Looks like rain/snow on the mountains around Lhasa

Driving NE of Lhasa, the Kyi-Chu river and mountains, and a cluster of greenhouses in the foreground.

Mountains around the Phenpoo valley, about 3,800 m, 65 km NE of Lhasa...

Our camping site! Wait, it looks like a cow pen...

After a little manure clearance, we're ready to set up the tents.
No fair, Cory recruited some local help...

Those clouds don't look so good...

Sitting out the hail storm...

Cory pulled put some of his magic tricks to woo the kids....

The village behind our campground.

Afternoon stroll...

Cool lichen

Langtang village with chedis visible...

The beautiful countryside approaching Nalendra Monastery..

View of the Nalendra's main courtyard (founded 1435).

Inside the main assembly hall, robes await their masters.

We caught the monks during afternoon debate session.

A very active physical and mental activity. The one standing is the challenger and the one sitting the defender, who must quickly answer a barage of questions with the slap of the hands, such as "what is the nature of a color?" "what is the nature of reality?" etc....

Peering into the courtyard.

Much of the monastery was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

A small village compound on the outskirts of the monastery.

Fall colors.

Grazing sheep.

The famous chedis at Langtang Monastery, founded in 1093.

Villagers returning home from the fields in the evening....

Kids 'chaps' with convenient poop-shoot

Langtang village

Curious kids...

Long shadows on the walk back to camp...

Peter chasing the eagle..

Looking out over the ruins of an old fort or house


Getting dinner ready--stir-fried veggies, first course of many!

Cook tent at night

Sunrise the next morning....
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